Amazon Best Selling Author

Why determination and persistence are key to following up

Following upWhether you are following up with business contacts, networking leads or prospective employers, effective follow up is the key to getting the sale, securing an offer or sealing a deal. We’ve talked about several different methods that can help you be successful while you’re following up. Planning and adding a personal touch to your follow-up is a very important element to your success, but there are two more we’re going to discuss that will be integral your follow-up success.


The two keys we’re going to touch on today go hand in hand with one another, they are determination and persistence. We have talked at length on how the majority of people you speak with are not going to be all-in after following up just one time. You’re going to have to be determined to get that new client or account that you know will benefit your business. The reason you’ll need determination is because you will face obstacles along the way that could stop you, but if you’re determined you’ll be able to overcome them.


If you are determined you might be able to have great success in following up with your perspective clients, but if your determined and persistent you will definitely be successful. Persistence requires planning and consistency to go along with your determination.  You want to continually follow-up with people, but be sure that you’re contacting them in a way that isn’t rude or annoying. Depending on the business that might mean a weekly email and or hand-written note, but if you are persistent and determined to get that new client you will get them.



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